Bastl Instruments Dark Matter

Bastl Instruments Dark Matter

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Bast Instruments and Casper Electronics are proud to present the newest member of our modular family. Meet Dark Matter, a high energy sound processor and signal generator that unleashes the crazy raw power of audio feedback into your eurorack system. It’s inspired by “no input” mixer feedback techniques that explore the complex natural behaviours of amplifier circuits pushed beyond their limits. Dark Matter brings this behavior to the modular synth, adds voltage control to everything, tons of patching options and a big ol’ bag of tricks for making feedback a truly "playable" effect.

Bast Instruments and Casper Electronics are proud to present the newest member of our modular family. Meet Dark Matter, a high energy sound processor and signal generator that unleashes the crazy raw power of audio feedback into your eurorack system. It’s inspired by “no input” mixer feedback techniques that explore the complex natural behaviours of amplifier circuits pushed beyond their limits. Dark Matter brings this behavior to the modular synth, adds voltage control to everything, tons of patching options and a big ol’ bag of tricks for making feedback a truly "playable" effect.

Bast Instruments and Casper Electronics are proud to present the newest member of our modular family. Meet Dark Matter, a high energy sound processor and signal generator that unleashes the...


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Bastl Instruments Dark Matter

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